St John's Church of Scotland, Carluke

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Latest On-line Service from St John's:

  23 June 2024  

What's On

All activities subject to confirmation.

Most church activities have stopped for the summer, apart from those on Thursdays.

Sundays 30 June to 11 August
United Summer Service
Details on right
Thursdays throughout the Summer
FAT Club
Kettle's On!
Mid-Week Service
Badminton Club

Holiday Club

For Primary School children and those going into S1 after the summer.

29 July to 3 August
10:15 - 12:30


June 2024

St John's Church of Scotland, Carluke, along with Kirkton, St Andrew's and Law Parish Churches, form a Cluster within the Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale.  Together, they serve the towns of Carluke and Law and outlying farms and villages such as Kilcadzow and Yieldshields.

Read more about us

United Summer Services

As in previous years, the churches of the Carluke and Law Cluster will hold joint services during the summer as follows:


30 JuneKirkton
7 JulySt Andrew's
14 JulySt Andrew's
21 JulyURC
28 JulyLaw
4 AugustSt John's (Holiday Club Sunday)
11 AugustKirkton


Each congregation wil revert to their home churches as from 18 August.